Looking forward for a better life

Looking forward for a better life

Tuesday 11 March 2014

The day 12 march 2014

Thanks to my friend for fetching me back to college in the middle of night.

I just found out that it is almost 1am and my block will be lock if I go back after 1am.
Actually was waiting for my friend to came back together but just didn't thought that he will be that busy (>_<)

It's quite scary to walk alone back ><
My friend asked me to go back first and asked my another friend to come to fetch me .

Safely arrived my college and ended a tired day today.

Be as an usher for today's event and it's really tiring. I think I won't join any event to be an usher anymore.

Rehearsal start at 12pm
Start make up at 2pm(initially ) But the time extended until 4pm to start make up.

It's really hard to walk with heels. It's even tiring to stand still dont move and smile whole way WITH HEELS . [Carnival Pesta Ang Pau UPM 2014]

Gonna go to sleep now. Goodnight world ♥

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