Looking forward for a better life

Looking forward for a better life

Wednesday 16 April 2014

瞬间移动 ??

I was having a meeting last night., from 11pm till 1am discussing about out college magazines which will soon published. Now is in the processing stage which everyone was busy.

When the meeting finished it's already 1 o'clock in the morning. I'm tooooooo starving at that time .

Was wondering should I eat only the mushroom soup or should I eat the instant noodles ???
Hmmmmmmm ........Mushroom soup is not enough but I'm too lazy to cook instant noodles and it was also no good eating it as the supper.

So I just have a cup of mushroom soup. After that I started to clean up my table as it was too messy. Found out that my roommate was not asleep yet and lying on her bed.

After I done all the things I switched off the lights and went to lock the door before I sleep.

Suddenly someone was knocking the door,  and please notice that it's already 2 something in the middle of the night.

And when I opened the door, I saw my ROOMMATE was standing in front of the door !!
That really scared me because I just saw she was on her bed just now and now she was OUTSIDE THE ROOM ????!!!!!!


But after that I found out that she went out to the toilet just now and I didn't noticed that . LOL

How careless am I .... (→_→) (→_→) (→_→)

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