Looking forward for a better life

Looking forward for a better life

Sunday 30 June 2013

打招呼方式 Way to say Hi to my Friendssss :D

For me, the way I say Hi to my friends are all different. It depends on how close we are .

There are several levels :

1. Schoolmates  (We never spoke before but we know that each other exist )
 Nod my head and smile to you if we met . *If the person don't even look at me I will just ignore he/she

2. Long time no see- Friend (Primary school)
A big smile , waves at you and say Hi *and thn say nothing bcoz we didn't see each other for too long time

3. Ex- Classmates
A BIG BIG  smile , waves at you and SCREAM  Hi  !!   [hahahaha]
and talk about many things >>unstoppable

4. Good friends>> Girls
Jump towards you and say Hi ! and ask about how you're doing recently............done

5. Good friends>> Boys
Walk leisurely to say Hi and ask about how you're doing recently , continue talking.....

6. Best friends >> Girls 
We don't say Hi..* Believe me

7. Best friends>> Boys
Scream Hi  !! and ask about how are you and Where is your girlfriend and how is she?? [hahaha]
and they will keep telling me that " Don't find boyfriend 1st la.. Study 1st"
Sometimes I feel annoying but I also thank them because they care about me so much and I did feel suspiscious about it .[hahaha] I thought they like me .lol [hahaha]

Here is some of my friends and I LOVE THEM  !!!

They are my best friends since Secondary school .

From right : Ying Sean ,Lena Swan, Choon,Me :D

They are my best friends in Matriculation College
From Left : Weini, Joey, Me, Finns and Khaishin :D

I miss them and I miss Langkawi  * Although i get sunburn last time
From Right : Emily , Zyong , Me , Choon Yun , Weini , Joey , Wifi and Keldy

Now here is my Ex- Classmates(Name with star **)
Most of them are my Ex- Classmates and others are my Schoolmates

From Left Above :  Irwin , Angel , Shueni , Mei Chyi , Me , Joey* , Joe Vee* , Chee Hong* , Chia Lek* , Ah Lam* , Cloris ZhenLing* , Serena* , Lay Hoon , Hui Xin

From Left below: 1st one i dont know him>< , Zhe Jian* , Ruisi* , Ezen* , Ah Boon* , Kim Siong*

Okay, here's my update. I'm Hungrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy now ..Bye Guys :)

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