Looking forward for a better life

Looking forward for a better life

Tuesday 29 April 2014


Yeahh I admit that I love to SELFIE *(taking photo of own self) so much. lol

But sometimes I worried that did I do it too much ? too often ? I'm worried that I'm too into it. Too obsess?
Is selfie good or bad?

Some of my friends tease me about my selfie. My selfie is not that bad, just it appeared a lot in my friends' facebook page. I'm kinda worry that will someone hate me because of this ? Because I take selfie everyday and post it on Facebook. lol

There's a time that I think myself was too obsessed about it. I saw my friend changed her profile picture and I was thinking, " I have to change mine too !!! I have to do it quickly and if possible my photo have to better than her."
LOL That is a very stupid and silly thinking right ? And I realized it after that. My friends told me that I have way too many of the selfie photo of myself.
And every time I took a selfie beside my friends, they will say " SEE, She is taking her selfie again". (with an annoying expression ) lol

Sometime I felt like ummm "Why you all treat me like this? I'm just trying to take my own selfie. I not taking your photo and I'm not bothering you anyway."
When they talk about it a lot and I feel embarrassed.

So I try to slow it down (my selfie). But I didn't stop doing it.
I found out that when these few months I try to not selfie too much and I found that there are not much photo of myself.

I know that this is not a something for everyone but for me, it freaks me out. Because I was the kind of having 100++ selfies in a day and suddenly when I slow it down, it turned out that I have only a few selfies in a WEEK.

Hmmmm I wonder if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
But I think part of the reason is now I'm studying in a public university in Malaysia which not allow students to wear anything such as dress, shorts, shirts with no sleeve, jeans.
The attire allowed to wear here is : t-shirt/ polo tee,trousers(no jeans), long long skirt, formal shirt and formal dress.
So my selfie all is wearing these normal attire and the selfies look....... normal.
Maybe this is part of the reason I don't selfie much this few months.

But I took a lot of my selfies if there are any event which I can wear different from my "normal attire" lol

Here is my selfie this few months, and its kinda less for me. [hahaha]

I love to take my selfie in front of a big mirror because I can take a whole-body photo [hahaha]
and of course to show my attire on that day

Some of the photo are not uploaded on Facebook, because i think that some photos are too pretty [hahahaha] . (too confident lol) (just ignore me )[ hahaha]

And this is the one I love the MOST   


Wednesday 23 April 2014

Owen Yap

Wah met Owen Yap 叶剑峰real in person ehh
He gave such a good talk . He talk very fast and there's point in everything he said
Just wow !
I don't regret that I finished my 2 hours test earlier just to came here. I jump on the Serumpun bus and then straight heading here .
But actually I initially just came for the traditional costume photo session but I missed it [hahaha ]
Nvm la satisfied already hahaa

OMG did I just wrote too much ? It's gonna be like my blog dy ? ( initially this is my Facebook status but its too long so I'm gonna post it here hehe )

Haha Anyway I enjoyed the night tonight .

Although I just have 7 hours just now to read for my 2 hours test and it consists of 60 multiple choice questions and 2 essays which covers 4 chapters .
And I didn't finish my last chapter >.<  So sad
But yet I managed to completed my test and i know how to do it PLUS i came out earlier [hahaha]

And finally end of the day I can met Owen Yap and listen to his talk. His talk really make me wanna go to trip on myself. [ haha]

Just feeling so lucky today ! [ haha ]

Wednesday 16 April 2014

瞬间移动 ??

I was having a meeting last night., from 11pm till 1am discussing about out college magazines which will soon published. Now is in the processing stage which everyone was busy.

When the meeting finished it's already 1 o'clock in the morning. I'm tooooooo starving at that time .

Was wondering should I eat only the mushroom soup or should I eat the instant noodles ???
Hmmmmmmm ........Mushroom soup is not enough but I'm too lazy to cook instant noodles and it was also no good eating it as the supper.

So I just have a cup of mushroom soup. After that I started to clean up my table as it was too messy. Found out that my roommate was not asleep yet and lying on her bed.

After I done all the things I switched off the lights and went to lock the door before I sleep.

Suddenly someone was knocking the door,  and please notice that it's already 2 something in the middle of the night.

And when I opened the door, I saw my ROOMMATE was standing in front of the door !!
That really scared me because I just saw she was on her bed just now and now she was OUTSIDE THE ROOM ????!!!!!!


But after that I found out that she went out to the toilet just now and I didn't noticed that . LOL

How careless am I .... (→_→) (→_→) (→_→)