Looking forward for a better life

Looking forward for a better life

Saturday 11 January 2014

A KL day with my friends

Once i started to write at my blog, I just can't stop to do it and will continue writing and writing. [Haha]

Anyway , Do you have a good day today? :))
Hope you will enjoy your day although maybe something happen but it's still good because you're still alive isn't it ? :))
So just enjoy everyday you can and don't let yourself regret about it.

I am really an enjoy person [hahaha] because I didn't put things too serious and I think if i put things too serious I'll just getting stress for myself which is not good .[Haha] ( of course, who wanna get stress ?)

I really do enjoy my life and I don't really care about anyone's comment or critic . [haha] I am a Happy Go Lucky person . [Hahaha]

Okay,since the first semester are going to end soon, my friends and I planned to go for a walk at KL city .
on 11 January 2014.

This is my friend from my same college , Edwin Ching Thiam,his Chinese name was near to [Today] meaning in Chinese, and we called him Today sometimes. [haha]
And he stop me to take photos LOL
He said :'' Hey enough how many photos you have taken ?'' And he ask that whether my photos already reach 100 ? [ hahaha]  
I didn't bother about him and continue to take my photos . [haha]

 And the guy on the right side is Jun Sheng. Hmmmm he is in chocolate colour [ hahahahahaa]
Yayyyy ! We took a photo together when we reach Bukit Bintang . It looks good, but my emotions look ermmmmmm [hahaha] Nvm it's still a good photo for me.

From Right : Xiao Ming ( in purple), and Wei Siang above him.
And the 4 guys in the row, from Right : Yung Qin, Patrick, Edwin and Weijiunn.
And the one below Patrick is Jun Sheng.

Apparently I am the only girl who went out with them[ haha] Actually I don't mind and not scare about them because I TRUST them. And they become my bodyguard for a whole day. [hahaha]

I thought most of the girls don't go out with guys alone (except with boyfriend LOL)
But I do prefer go out with guys because guys have good sense of humour.
I think guys are easily to talk with compared to girls.


We actually wanna went to eat Jogoya, a Japanese Buffet Food. And it cost almost RM100. It's very expensive for me and I initially wanna give up to eat that because I just left RM1XX.
 But they all convince me that they can pay a little bit for me ( but actually that ''a bit'' doesn't different much from the original price) LOL

And they said that we should eat good since we didn't gathering and eat well for a while already.
So................... I decided to eat with them... > <

here is our photos while waiting for 5pm Dinner 

 Here is Weijiunn. He is from my same hometown, Sg Petani,Kedah.
Glad that I have him because almost I went back to hometown with him. And so coincidently he is my senior in my secondary school.Very surprise for me [haha]  But i didn't met him in the school before .lol [haha]

This is Edwin. Hmmmm he don't look so tall in person (for me) [haha]. But he really did taller than me.

 From left : Me, Jun Sheng, Xiao Ming, and Weijiunn 
 Me and Xiao Ming. We worked on a booklet together before, he really is a nice guy . We discussed about the problems of the booklet together. And I really thank him for listening to my complaining sometimes. [haha] And sometimes he even help me to explain to others about my race( I'm a half breed). Its so funny [haha]
Edwin and Xiao Ming. Edwin always complain that my camera was not good...... and the photo really got so blur > < 

 Me and Jun Sheng. He looked good when smiled like this ? [haha]
The guys

The Chinese New year decorations in Starhill

We wait until 5pm in front of the Jogoya
And then we found out that the buffet restaurant was fully booked. Seems that there was an event inside there.
The boys were so so so so disappointed with that.
They really wanted to eat buffet and they came only for the buffet. 

So all of us went to find other thing to eat as dinner.
Edwin suggest we go to Yaki Yaki (also a Japanese buffet restaurant)
We walk for a long way to arrive there. (from Starhill to The Soju there)
It's soooooooooooooooooooooooo TIRED  
And I am already too hungry waiting to eat.

When we arrived there we asked at a security guard in a hotel , and he told us that Yaki Yaki is no more exist ....

WHAT ???????
So unlucky...

So we went back to Pavilion to eat , we found a Japanese buffet restaurant again.
It was so cheap . It's only RM39.90 for each person for dinner. But there were way too many people were queuing in front of the shop .

So we give up and eat in another Japanese restaurant.( why we were finding only for Japanese restaurant ? hmmmmm I also don't know why) LOL

This is mine and it taste great !!

And then we went to Starbucks in the Pavilion , everyone ordered a drink and I ordered a TIRAMISU CHEESE CAKE.

I'm so satisfied with it . Hmmmm It taste sooo good as I love cakes [Hehe]

Finally, we walked in a long long tunnel to reach KLCC. The Highest Twin Tower in the world( i think so ) [haha]

And actually we only went there to take photos . A Great Great moment as I didn't went to KLCC for a long time ( since I was kid)
And this is my first time taking photos with the Twinss [haha]

Credit to Yung Qin. This photo look nice . Look like couple ? LOL .
But we are NOT. haha

 Nice Photo . I like it !!!

Ended our day HAPPILY !!

Hope we gonna do this more often ( i mean other places ) [haha]

So, Enjoy your day and don't let yourself to regret about anything :))

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