Looking forward for a better life

Looking forward for a better life

Thursday 20 February 2014

Kem Kepemimpinan Legasi 31 2014 Kolej Kedua Universiti Putra Malaysia

I went to a camp organised by my college in this February. Initially I was so unwilling to come to this camp because I have to come back my college on 9th on the Chinese New Year. I am still enjoying my Chinese New Year mood. And asking me to go to camp ? Nooooooooo.............

But, my friends and I already agreed on it to attend it together so finally we still came back for it.
All of us look like not so into it when we were in the first day, and we get scolded that how can us be so down just on the first day . Ummmmm

Actually the activities are okay but I feel so tired and so boring to play these activities.
We get to divide into different groups by the colour of a file we get as we have 6 of us are boys and another 2 of us are girls . So we have a total of 8 people here attending the camp together.

6 of the boys are in the 6 different groups. The groups are : Lava, Batu ( Stone), Salji (Snow), Kilat (Lightning), Hujan (Rain), and Ombak (Waves).

My friend Piu was in the Batu group and me were in the Salji group.

She was in the Batu group so her headband was brown colour and because I was in Salji so mine is white. 
But it really look like bandage so much LOL

We were ''forced'' to memorize our theme song '' Ke Akhir Garisan ''

For me its easy to memorize a song's lyric if I enjoy the song but I didnt get to enjoy the song yet but already have to memorize it already LOL. 

We had an Explorace in the second night.
We were asked to wear dark colour clothes and hand in all our handphones. So we can all guessed that we will have a water activity later. 
We started our Explorace in the midnight 12am. Its quite crazy as I never joined an activity which started at this hour although I usually sleep late.

We were all gave a bread and a bottle of mineral water for our ''journey''. LOL

The explorace was very tiring as the area covers almost 12 colleges and my university is really HUGE .
Our first clue was a logo in yellow colour which looks like a RADIOACTIVE logo but it wasn't.

We try our luck in the PKU (Pusat Kesihatan Universiti). And we ask the staff there, and they told us the place was at another side. 

We actually found the right place !!
The logo is a CLINICAL WASTE logo. And the clue was found by me !! So excited [hahahaha]

And the clue we got is a name of a SULTAN.
My teammates said the name is the Sultan of Selangor, so I suggested that we go to Kolej Canselor as I heard that the Sultan of Selangor is our UPM's Canselor.

So we went to try our luck there , we met our Fasilitator - Kak Bashirah, Abang Waqar, and Kak Farhana.
They ask us to tell their full name. OH GOSHH

How can I remember their full name ?? I only know their name that we should call them. Hmmm Lucky that my teammates know the answer.
Next we were asked to sing our theme song.. AGAIN with not looking at the lyrics

We sing again and again to satisfied the Fasilitator
and we were required to sing louder and louder. LOL this is really crazy . Sing a song in this loud voice in the midnight.
We tried so hard to passed the test and finally we know that we were tricked by them. They were not the fasilitator which we should find. LOLLLLLL

We get the clue from them to the correct fasilitator. We have to pose and catwalk in front of them
This is my favourite !! [hahahahaha]

And then the fasilitators said they want to treat us eat. The first food we have to eat is Maggi noodles in coffee soup. It taste like... no taste. 
And the next food is Vegetable soup. OH GOSHH 

U cant imagine how disgusting it taste like. Yucckkkss

The fasilitators said we were quite success because other group throw up because of eating this.
although it is disgusting , but it is quite fun [hahaha].

The next clue we get is at the Tennis Court. We find almost 1 hour and half there only searching for clues. Before that we have to hook 3 nails on the string and find the nails with eyes closed and listening to our friend guide.

The clue was at a place that we never thought before . Its in a small food box.

Everyone were exhausted because of finding that clue . And the clue we get were 3 math equation which required we to solve it. We only solved the 3rd one and get an answer of 12.

And we straight went to kolej serumpun because it is the only place which have a number of 12.
We found the clue at beside the CIMB ATM. We just simply find and the clue we get is to go to KOSASS .Do u know how far is it by just walking ???Because we just came from the tennis court to serumpun and now have to go back to KOSASS.
But we met our fasilitator on the half way and the clue he gave is to go back to our own college and find another group to be combined together.

The task we get is to calculate the number of stairs in the college . Can u imagined that we have 5 Block and so many ladders in the college?

We finished the task with the answer of 829 step of stairs. I won't forget this forever. LOL
Its a really exhausted night as the clue we get is to go Bukit Ekspo. Its some where near Kolej Serumpun.
And we have to go back AGAINNNN

This Explorace was really long as we start our race on 12 midnight and we finish at 6.30 in the morning.
The last place we went to the Bukit Ekspo is get our eyes covered and hold hands together. 
And then get into the LAKE with EYES COVERED and only can hold along a rope.

This is the longest game I had ever played. 

We have 1 hour to prepare ourselves and packing our luggage to go to another venue. 
It is Nur Lembah Lenggong in Lenggong , Perak.

We started on 8am and it required 6 hours to reach there. Its soooooooo far from here.

After that, we set our tent ourselves. And then we played a snipper ganme and the only thing we got is four wich can be add in some sand.

Its so hard to throw at another group accurately.
And my group lose at the first round, it is quite of make us down actually. 
But after that we still a few matches to play.

And as usually, its time for me to take photos [hahaha]

Here is Jun Sheng in the group Ombak and ChingThiam in the group Lava.

Piu was in the Batu group.

And I'm gonna stop at here. [Haha] gonna continue it in the next few posts.  (It's too long lol )

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