Looking forward for a better life

Looking forward for a better life

Monday 1 July 2013

I thought today will be a lucky day.

My working hours today was from 9.30am till 6.30pm. Usually I will wake up at 8 something to prepare because my mum will go work after fetching me.

Today is my dad's turn to fetch me with motorcycle. Actually it is quite leading me back to my childhood memory which my dad always fetch me to tuition with motorcycle when I'm in primary school . * Owwhhh feel so sweet huh??  :)

But the POINT is.........

My father WAKE ME UP at 7.19am...Oh my Goshhh

I'm a very lazzzzzyyy girl . Waking up at so early is torturing me ><

So I try to think positively..↓↓↓↓

[Oh Yea ..I have enough time for me to blow my hair]

After I done everythg extremely slow ,my dad fetch me go to my work place at 8.50am    ::>_<:::

On the way, there was a little rain . I thought it is just a small one and didn't bother about it.( I'm not bringing any jacket or sweater either)

 And guess what? I can still took photos while waiting at the traffic light...  lol  

I'm a weird girl huh ???  [hahahahahahaha] 
And the photos came out like this {edited}

If you are Sungai Petani people, of course you can recognize that this traffic light is just in front of the Giant Hypermarket .

I think it was so beautiful after I edited all the photos and  it looks like DSLR to me  !!!   [hahahahaha]

This is the last photo and this is the first time I actually saw a cloud this BIG and this NEAR   [hahaha]

Beautiful huh ??  :D

I arrive at my work place at 9am. (I suppose to be there at 9.30am) but nevermind because I had a really good mood :) 

I even played 东于哲 's 太阳雨  because i love the song and it suits the situation.


Things happened. I caught a cold. And I get very cold because of the aircond there.  -.-

I always headache when I had a flu..

Finally, it turns out I'm having headache ,nose pain ( sneeze too much -.-), cough , and stomachache (shit .. why so punctual this month) 

THE END. Hope I'll be better tomorrow. And ENJOY THE PHOTOS. =)

 And Remember to Smile =D